2019: Year In Review

2019: Year In Review

Another year has passed and while I try to look back I realize it brought many opportunities, changes, happy memories, challenges and everything in between. Travel-wise it wasn’t a very crowded year, as I took a little time to breathe and start some new projects for my personal and professional development. I went on my travels mostly with family and friends, rather than going solo and that made everything fun in a relaxed way.

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Story Time: Dealing With a Health Issue While Traveling

Story Time: Dealing With a Health Issue While Traveling

Travel is supposed to be all fun and games, but sometimes, things go wrong. Literally, anything can happen, from losing your possessions or being a victim of scams to getting sick and the list of disasters can go on and on. Because I get to travel a lot, over the years I got my fair share of problems down the road. While there are some happenings that can be avoided if you know what to expect, some don’t fall under your control, but the outcome will reside in the way you manage them. For example, having a sudden medical problem is mostly unavoidable, but knowing what to do in case this happens can make the difference between a ruined vacation and a fun vacation with a little unfortunate incident. And of course, I have a story on this topic.

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Story Time: How I almost attacked a priest. In Rome. Inside a church.

Story Time: How I almost attacked a priest. In Rome. Inside a church.

When people find out that I travel a lot, they often ask for stories. Some want to know about people that I met along the way. Others want to hear a funny tale or a dangerous, weird or unexpected situation in which I found myself in at some point. Because I have a ton of stories of each and every type, I usually find myself ranting about them for a long time. At the end a lot of people ask: Why do you keep these stories for yourself? Why don’t you write these down on your blog? After a while I realized their question was valid. Isn’t that the purpose of having a blog? Sharing experiences with the world?

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2017: Year in review


Another year has passed, which gives us all another opportunity to look back and see what we have accomplished in 12 months. Just before I started writing this post I read my last year’s post, with the review for 2016. What caught my attention was the list of countries that I hoped/planned on visiting, but in the end it didn’t happen. My plans changed, but that’s ok. I’m not going to stop making New Year’s resolutions because of that. I’m just going to accept that life happens and opportunities come and go unexpectedly. So without further ado, let’s get into the review of 2017.

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First Solo International Trip Experience (Tips&My Personal Experience)

First Solo International Trip Experience (Tips&My Personal Experience)

Recently I told you a story from 5 years ago about fighting my fears and traveling solo to another city for a music festival. Although that travel was inside my own country, that was an important milestone for me because it marked the moment I earned my first solo travel badge. Since then, I became more and more confident to have other small getaways in all corners of the country. Just me and my backpack. Actually, I became so confident that one day the idea of going on my first solo international trip popped into my head and irremediably stuck with me. In this article, I’m going to take you on a storytelling journey through my first solo international trip experience. However, this isn’t only about my trip; it’s also about sharing the precious knowledge I’ve gained, the thrilling obstacles I overcame, and the amazing places I encountered along the way.

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Story Time: How I Rocked My Battle With Anxiety And Earned My Solo Travel Badge

Story Time: How I Rocked My Battle With Anxiety And Earned My Solo Travel Badge

I love telling stories from my travels and I realized I have lots of them already. So starting now, I will share my happy moments, my sad moments, my achievements, my fears, my tips and tricks that I learned along the way and why not, I will rant about various things that caught my attention over time.

This week I will start by discussing a secret of mine that has the shape of a fear. I am sure many travelers face or faced at some point this dark demon: anxiety. I know that it comes in many forms, but I will talk about one in particular: the fear of traveling solo.

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2016: Year in review

2016 Year in review

Phew! That was quite a year! Many things happened in 2016, but although most people hated it, mainly for the unfortunate world events, I personally considered it a good year. Sure, it had it’s downfalls, but that’s just how life happens to be. Let’s focus on the positive stuff. When it comes to travel, I accomplished more than I hoped for. I discovered lots of new destinations and revisited many familiar places.

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Help! I want to travel. How to start?

Help! I want to travel. How to start?

“I want to travel the world. When and how should I start?”. That’s a question I keep hearing a lot. The reason so many people are wondering the same thing is because it isn’t an easy question. Most travel blog answer with: “Don’t let anything condition you. Forget about everything and travel!”, but let’s be serious for a second. Things are not really like that. If you’re young you probably don’t have obligations. But you don’t have money either. If you’re 40+ you most likely have the money, but don’t have the freedom and energy of youth. Still, everybody knows people similar to their social and economic status who still manage to travel. Admit it. You’re thinking about a few persons right now. They don’t earn more than you, don’t have more time in their hands or less obligations. How do they do it then?

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