5 Of The Most Affordable Capitals In Europe That Can Be Your Next Destination In 2024

5 Of The Most Affordable Capitals In Europe That Can Be Your Next Destination In 2024

When you have a shoestring budget for your travels, you usually have two options. The first option is to take a car/bus/train ride to a place that’s not too far from your home. The second option is to find a cheap plane ticket to a destination (usually abroad) and fly there. When thinking about visiting a foreign country, many prefer to start with the capital for a number of reasons, like transportation convenience and range of stuff to do there. Europe offers quite a lot of choices for budget travelers, especially in countries located in its Southern, Eastern, and Central part of it. You can find below a list of the most 5 affordable capitals in Europe, that can promise a good time without digging a hole in your wallet.

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Self guided tour for the Wenzel Circular Walk in Luxembourg City

Self guided tour of the Wenzel Circular Walk in Luxembourg City

During my stay in Luxembourg, the Wenzel Circular Walk was without doubt my favorite way to spend the time, so this article will take you step by step through the whole itinerary. This can also be considered as a 1 day travel guide to Luxembourg, because the walk holds a mix of natural, historical and cultural sights, you will need to dedicate it almost a whole day to cover everything there is to be seen. The most important thing, this tour comprises a great number of the most important sights in Luxembourg.

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Top Things To Do In Rome For First-Time Visitors

Top Things To Do In Rome For First-Time Visitors

Eternal city. The City of Love. The City of the Seven Hills. Caput Mundi (latin for Capital of the World). All these names can be summarized into just one: Rome. Land of ancient legends, powerful rulers and flourishing art, Rome has been for thousands of years one of the most important, interesting and vibrant cities in the world. Also, there is an old saying: All roads lead to Rome. At least once in your life, you should follow one of those roads back to its origin. With such a rich past, the capital of Italy has so much to offer that it’s hard to decide what to do and what to see, especially if you’re visiting only for a few days. Therefore, I compiled a list of 10 best sights of Rome, that you just can’t miss!

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Sfanta Ana Lake – The Only Crater Lake In Romania

Sfanta Ana Lake – The Only Crater Lake In Romania

Saint Anne Lake (Romanian: Lacul Sfânta Ana): the only lake in Romania that formed in the crater of an extinct volcano. As a Romanian girl, I found out about Saint Anne Lake at an early age, in my Geography classes, but because as a child I didn’t get to travel too much, I never got to see it, but that changed last year, when I planned to spend Easter in Balvanyos, a resort only 25 km away from the lake. If you’re thinking about visiting it too, here’s what you need to know about it:

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10 fascinating facts that you might not know about Bulgaria

10 fascinating facts that you might not know about Bulgaria

Bulgaria is a country located in southeastern Europe, that is yet fairly unknown to travelers. That’s why I thought I would make a list of the most interesting facts linked with this country, hoping that something about it would spark your interest to find out more. Be ready to enter a land of long history, natural beauties, cultural curiosities and amazing food with these 10 facts about Bulgaria. Here we go.

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An honest opinion about Berlin: Expectations vs. Reality

An honest opinion about Berlin: Expectations vs. Reality

When it comes to travel, the inconsistency between expectations and reality is more common than you think. There is a number of reasons why our perception of a destination can be altered even before we get there. The media can highlight the worst of it, while travel bloggers might tend to paint a non-realistic, overly positive image of it. Then, there are the prejudices that society makes sure to assign to every nation in the world.

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Highlights of Bucharest Spotlight Festival 2017

Highlights of Bucharest Spotlight Festival 2017

Last year I attended the second edition of the Spotlight Festival. A year has passed since then and I just couldn’t miss the third. I love how this event changes the face of Bucharest and adds color to the otherwise grey urban landscape. If you even think about visiting the Romanian capital, I would strongly recommend that you do it during this festival. It will really help you see Bucharest in another light (yes, pun intended). Now let me show you the highlights of what you missed this year.

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